Skincare routine for Teenagers: A Guide to Healthy Skin

I've had numerous discussions with mothers in my medical practice who are struggling to help their teens achieve healthy skin. In response, I'd like to share some tips and advice that I've given to these concerned parents.

The foundation of a successful skincare routine for teenagers

Step 1: Cleanse

Cleansing is a crucial step in any skincare routine, particularly for teens. The hormonal shifts that occur during puberty can result in increased oil production in the face, which can lead to acne breakouts if not properly addressed. Cleansing should be performed both in the morning and at night to remove excess oil and impurities from the skin.

An over-the-counter brand that I often recommend is Cerave, which offers three different cleanser options: a hydrating cleanser for dry skin, a foaming cleanser for normal skin, and a salicylic acid cleanser for those with acne.

Step 2: Treat (if needed)

For those who suffer from acne, treating the skin is an essential step. I suggest starting with a small amount of Differin Gel (0.1% Adapalene) applied nightly to help combat blackheads and whiteheads, reduce redness and swelling, and prevent future breakouts. It is important to note that Differin should not be used during the day, and should always be paired with a moisturizer as it can be drying to the skin.

Step 3: Hydrate

Hydrating the skin is equally as important as cleansing and treating. With 70% of the body made up of water, it is crucial to replenish the skin's hydration levels to help balance excess oils and prevent dry skin, which can lead to infections and inflammation. A recommended moisturizer is Cerave Moisturizing Cream, which can be used both morning and night.

Step 4: Protect

Finally, protecting the skin from harmful UV rays is a critical step in any skincare routine for teenagers. Sunscreen is essential to prevent skin damage, skin cancer, and premature aging. I recommend using a minimum SPF of 30 on the face every day, both indoors and outdoors, and 365 days a year. Some recommended sunscreens include Black Girls Sunscreen and La Roche-Posay Anthelios.

Your daily routine should look like this:

AM: Cleanse, Hydrate, Protect

PM: Cleanse, Treat (if needed), Hydrate


Establishing a successful skincare routine for teenagers requires a solid foundation of cleansing, treating (if needed), hydrating, and protecting the skin from harmful UV rays. By following these basic steps consistently, teenagers can achieve healthy, clear skin. Remember that as you age, your skincare routine may need to be adjusted, but these key steps will always be important for maintaining healthy treatment skin.

Best regards, Dr. Degha Fongod, AKA DrDeeMD


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