10 Reasons Why Chemical Peels Are The Secret To Flawless Skin
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Just beneath the surface of your skin lies a smoother, flawless skin. Why not peel the damaged, old skin to expose the fresh younger layer beneath?
Just beneath the surface of your skin lies a smoother, flawless skin. Why not peel the damaged, old skin to expose the fresh younger layer beneath?
Chemical peels speed up the skin's cell renewal, reveal fresh skin cells, lighten dark spots, lessen fine lines and wrinkles, clear acne, and restore a young, radiant look.
Furthermore, with over 1.3 million procedures carried out alone in 2016, chemical peels rank third among noninvasive cosmetic procedures in the US.1
Additionally, the numerous advantages of chemical peels are driving more people to choose this skin treatment. It is safe for most skin types and you can start to see improvement even after one session
1. Target Deep Layers of Skin to Improve Texture and Tone
A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing your skin's outermost layer. This can reduce hyperpigmentation, dullness, and wrinkles. Also, deep chemical peels go very deep into the skin's main layer. The aim is to treat deep wrinkles, skin discolouration, deep scarring, and damaged skin cells.
2. Remove Dead Skin Cells to Reveal Flawless Skin
Chemical peels work beneath the top layer of your skin, causing the outermost layers to naturally peel off. As a result, it removes dead skin cells to expose the new, flawless skin underneath.
3. Improve the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
You can choose from three different chemical peels, ranging from light to deep. Each type of chemical peel is suitable for a particular skin problem. However, a deep peel is the perfect solution for deep scars and wrinkles.
You can choose from three different chemical peels, ranging from light to deep. Each type of chemical peel is suitable for a particular skin problem. However, a deep peel is the perfect solution for deep scars and wrinkles.
A single deep chemical peel often yields better results after only one session, in contrast to other peels that may need more than one treatment to start seeing great improvements.
Additionally, deep peels can lessen the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines around the lips, eyes, and forehead. A medium-peel also works well on fine lines with a medium pore size.
However, after a medium or deep peel, ensure to use sun protection on your skin. Put on a layer of SPF sunblock and a cap. Otherwise, you risk altering the tone or texture of your flawless skin.
4. Reduce the Appearance of Acne and Acne Scars
Your acne outbreaks can be reduced by chemical peels. This treatment is also effective against skin blemishes.
If you want to clear clogged pores and blackheads on the surface of your skin, chemical peels is the solution.
Salicylic and lactic acid are the finest chemical peels for acne and dark spots to Additionally, salicylic acid stays in the pores of your skin, enabling you to maintain your pores' clarity over time.
Choosing a chemical peel treatment does not require any downtime, unlike resurfacing lasers. Plus, it is safe for most skin tones including women of color. And because a surfacing laser might potentially cause an acne flare-up, a chemical peel is preferable to this alternate therapy for acne-prone skin.
5. Even Out Skin Tone and Reduce Hyperpigmentation
Skin hyperpigmentation that can have a detrimental effect on a person's quality of life and self-esteem.
Hormonal spikes can sometimes be the cause of hyperpigmentation. Pregnant patients may have an increase in hyperpigmentation both during and after delivery.
A chemical peel is effective in treating hyperpigmentation in some women. If you are having pigmentation issues, consult with your physician for the appropriate treatment plan.
6. Improve Skin Texture and Hydration
Collagen and elastin are produced when skin regenerates following a chemical peel. By strengthening and supplementing your skin, you can lessen the visibility of wrinkles and improve skin texture. The flawless skin that regenerates is also softer, which lessens dryness and roughness.
Chemical peel improves your skin’s hydration, creating a supple, healthy, and bright skin. The lack of water in the skin’s top layer makes it appear dry, flaky, and rough.
7. Customizable and Tailored to Individual Skin Needs
Chemical peels range from light to deep in strength and can be tailored to meet your unique demands and cosmetic objectives.
The strength of the peel you will need is determined by your skin tone, texture, and condition. For example, medium depth peels are needed more frequently on darker skin types than on lighter skin tones. And if you are treating hyperpigmentation, you may get a different degree of peel from when you’re treating fine lines and deeper wrinkles.
Light Chemical Peels
In order to gently exfoliate your skin, light chemical peels are made with moderate exfoliation agents. These chemical solutions peel the skin's top layer, and the recovery period lasts typically between four to seven days. You might experience temporary lighter or darker skin.
Medium Depth Peels
The chemical solutions used in medium peels vary, but trichloroacetic acid is the most popular medium depth peel. 3 After medium chemical exfoliation, your skin will heal in around five to seven days, however you could have months-long redness. Your skin will at first swell, then develop crusts and dark spots before you see a new flawless skin.
Deep Peels
Deep chemical peels are made to go deeper into the dermis's layers. They often take longer to recover from (about two weeks), but they improve skin texture and provide remarkably bright skin and long-lasting rejuvenation.
8. Safe and Effective When Performed by a Professional
Chemical peels pose no risk of hyperpigmentation and are suitable for all skin tones. Additionally, your physician might combine several acids to treat particular skin issues.
For a safe and effective peel, ensure you see a professional. A qualified aesthetic physician can identify your skin type, condition, and the extent of chemical peel you need for the best result.
9. Provide Flawless Skin With Long-Lasting Results
Chemical peel benefits might last for one to two months or for the rest of your life, depending on the type of treatment you choose. Results from a light peel typically last one to two months. The effects of a medium peel will last for two to six months, while those of a deep peel are permanent.
10. Boost Overall Confidence in One’s Appearance
The results of chemical peels can increase your sense of confidence and self-worth by bringing out the inherent beauty of your skin. This treatment is capable of reducing your wrinkles, age spots, acne, acne scars, and freckles, regardless of how severe they are.
Knowing the above benefits that chemical peels provide, it’s time to get your skin rejuvenated.
Get in touch with a specialist who will help you identify the best chemical peel treatment and uncover the softer and healthier skin you’ll be proud of.
Depending on your skin condition, your physician can advise a light, medium, or deep peel, or a completely different procedure such as laser treatment or microneedling. Come out of your old shell and embrace the beautiful, new skin you always wanted.